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6 Carwash Safety Tips

Ensure you're running a safe carwash

As a carwash owner or operator, you face a wide range of safety risks. Some you likely think about all the time—customer slips and falls, automobile accidents, employee injuries—while others might not be top of mind...

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Protect Your Carwash from Employment Practices Liability

5 steps to reduce costly workplace claims

Hiring, firing, employee evaluations, compensation, family leave, job descriptions. These human resources decisions have a huge impact on your employees, their productivity, and their welfare...


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8 Ways to Prepare for OSHA Inspections

Be ready before the inspectors arrive

An OSHA inspection can happen at any time, so it’s essential to always be ready. Knowing how to prepare your carwash for an OSHA inspection—and what to do if you receive an unscheduled visit— can make or break your success...


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Tips for Preventing Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents

How to protect your carwash business

Slips, trips, and falls are among the most common types of workplace accidents, often resulting in serious injuries that may have long-term consequences for employees and employers alike...

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6 Steps to Prevent Auto Thefts at Your Carwash

According to the Insurance Information Institute, there were 1,001,967 vehicles stolen in the U.S. in 2022. That’s more than 2,500 auto thefts per day. What’s more, thieves are becoming more innovative...

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Managing Employee Relationships

As a carwash owner or operator, you know the success of your business largely depends on your employees. They’re the backbone of the operation, and their skills, talents, and dedication are crucial for achieving your goals...

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Post-Termination Workers' Compensation Claims

Four exceptions for filing after termination

After you had a difficult bout with an employee that ended in termination, you may have thought you wouldn’t hear from them again. Unfortunately, a few weeks after their departure, you receive a workers’ compensation claim from that employee...

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Burglary and Robbery Prevention

Better safe than sorry

According to the FBI, there are 2.5 million burglaries annually in the United States. And although burglaries are often random and unpredictable, there are steps you can take to make your business a less desirable target for would-be criminals...


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Carwash Safety

Tips for protecting customers, employees, and your business

You can do everything right. Keep your customers happy. Treat your employees well. Have a sound business plan. Risks will always abound. And although these risks are a part of running a carwash business, taking the right precautions and putting the proper insurance program in place can put you on the best path for long-term success...


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Watch Your Words

What not to say when an employee files a workers’ compensation claim

When an employee files a workers’ compensation claim, it’s important for employers and supervisors to handle the situation with care and sensitivity. Although it’s understandable that there may be concerns about the impact the claim will have on the company, it’s crucial to remember that employees have a right to a safe and healthy work environment...

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The Importance of Lockout/Tagout

Protecting workers from hazardous energy

The lockout/tagout (LOTO) procedure is an essential safety measure in the carwash industry. The LOTO procedure involves locking and tagging energy sources to prevent their unintentional startup, which can cause serious injuries or fatalities...


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Risk Versus Reward

Understanding how the decisions you make can impact your business

When buying, opening, growing, and building a carwash business, it’s important to consider the risks as well as the potential rewards. Although it’s normal for business owners to take calculated risks to further growth and meet financial requirements, understanding how those risks can play out is an essential part of the decision process...

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About Alliant Insurance Services

Alliant Insurance Services is one of the nation’s leading and fastest growing distributors of diversified insurance products and services. In the face of increasing complexity, our approach is simple: bring on the best people and invest more deeply in the industries and clients we serve. We operate through a network of specialized national platforms and regional offices to offer a comprehensive portfolio of services to our clients. Our goal is to ensure that they get the most innovative products—and innovative thinking—in the industry.