National Cell Phone Courtesy Month - What?

Author: Alliant and


How many times have I sat through a business lunch where my companion had their phone in their hand throughout the lunch?  Observed a family of four out for breakfast and every one of them on their phones?  Been in a business meeting where the majority of the attendees clearly had their minds elsewhere via their cell phone?  Been in a presentation only to see someone at the table playing a game on their phone (get a privacy screen!)? Thus the need for a cell phone courtesy reminder!

Our phones have become an integral part of our lives and National Cell Phone Courtesy Month encourages us to evaluate our cellular habits and consider others before we reach for our phone.

Check out these 7 Easy Rules to Mobile Phone Etiquette. Once you do you will be on your way to better relationships.


When we put the people around us before our mobile devices, we strengthen our relationships. Our phones are a tool and shouldn’t get in the way of the more important things in our lives. They shouldn’t replace every social context in our lives. Practice a little courtesy and gain improved relationships everywhere you go. Encourage your friends and families to join you throughout the month.