September is Better Breakfast Month

Author: Alliant and 



It’s that time of year again. Summer is winding down, school is back in session, and we’re looking ahead to the winter months after summer vacations. What better time to celebrate Breakfast—long considered the most important meal of the day. We’ve all heard it—either from our mothers or from popular health gurus. 

Originating during World War I, the United States government encouraged citizens to eat a Better Breakfast. The program gained momentum again during World War II. Then, in 1951, the Cereal Institute promoted Better Breakfast Month for the first time in September. Research gathered by the institute suggested that breakfast was the most important meal of the day. They selected the month to coordinate with children returning to school and businesses gearing back up after the lull of summer vacation. As a result, September became the ideal time to promote the benefits of a healthy and delicious breakfast.

Consuming a well-balanced breakfast in the morning gives our bodies the energy to get our day started the right way. Kids who have a healthy meal before school starts consistently perform and behave better at school. If this works for kids, it must work for adults, too!


A complete breakfast should contain a balance of all the major food groups, which are vital to maintaining stamina and controlling hunger. Protein, dairy, fat, and carbohydrates—that sounds like pizza!

That’s right! If you wake up with a hankering for a slice of leftover pizza, enjoy it! Pizza is good for you when consumed in moderation. Breakfast food can be anything you want it to be, within reason of course. Cereal is the most common breakfast food. For years, eggs got a bad rap on the food pyramid. But eggs have been proven to provide essential vitamins and minerals needed to promote a healthy diet.


So start your day with a complete breakfast—and a cup of coffee doesn’t count!