A quarterly newsletter addressing various issues of interest to those in the public entity, education and pooling sector as well as risk management professionals in other industry groups.


If you have any questions about the articles in this issue or have any other insurance-related questions, please contact us.



Welcome to the Q1 edition of Trends, Topics and Views.

The first signs of spring are upon us as the flowering trees are budding and the crocus flowers appear. This time of year marks new beginnings. I hope your year is off to a good start and your hopes for new beginnings are being fulfilled.
In this edition, we will address several topics of increasing concern:
  • Climate change and its impact on the insurance market
  • Attempts to regulate artificial intelligence (AI)
  • The battle over student loan forgiveness
  • Campus unrest due to numerous political concerns, including the war in Ukraine, the conflict between Israel and Palestine and the upcoming 2024 elections
I hope you find the articles interesting and thought-provoking. While some may find certain topics uncomfortable, it is not our intention to create controversy, but to encourage conversation. The views contained within the articles are our views and not necessarily the views of Alliant.




Mark A. Goode and Dan Howell

Featured Articles


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Mark A. Goode, CIC, CPCU
Senior Executive Vice President & Managing Director 
Daniel J. Howell
Senior Executive Vice President & Managing Director