Featured Articles
North Carolina Passes Law Banning Ransomware Payments
In November of 2021, North Carolina’s legislature passed the first law in the nation prohibiting state and local government entities from using public funds to pay ransomware demands of cyber criminals.
Active Shooter Liabilities and Insurance Coverages
The number of casualties (killed and injured) in mass shootings increased from 164 in 2020 to 243 in 2021. With the occurrence of such incidents on the rise, many educational institutions are seeking insurance coverage for liabilities arising from them.
Institutions of Higher Learning Face COVID-Related Legal Challenges
One of the major impacts of COVID-19 has been the exacerbation of ongoing financial struggles for colleges and universities, including the filing by students or their parents of numerous class action lawsuits seeking refunds of money paid for tuition, room and board, meals, facility use costs and other incurred costs alleged to have been wrongfully assessed during school closures and periods of remote learning.
Ongoing Developments and Impacts of U.S. Supreme Court Ruling Against NCAA Student-Athlete Compensation
On June 21, 2021, the United States Supreme Court handed down a unanimous landmark decision that has the potential to totally reform the current system of NCAA amateur student athlete compensation. However, because the Court’s decision acted as a repudiation of the NCAA’s entire approach to the application of antitrust law to its system governing student amateur athletics the case is very likely to have a much broader impact.
Cyber Insurance Premiums Continue to Rise
Cyber rates jumped 39% across Europe during the first quarter of 2021, following increased cyber-attacks, on the heels of large increases in rates in the final quarter of 2020. According to the Council of Insurance Agents and Brokers, in the second quarter of 2021, cyber recorded the highest premium increase of all lines.
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Alliant Public Entity attends and produces various events throughout the year. These events provide our team opportunities for professional development and a chance to meet and network with members of the community, learn and present ideas.