Featured Articles
Law Enforcement Workers’ Compensation Claims are Skyrocketing — Causes and Prevention
Government risk managers know that insurance premiums related to policing are on the rise. In recent years, law enforcement insurance rates increased approximately 10-30%. Experts cite several reasons for the jump; however, recent increases in the types and numbers of laws pertaining to law enforcement workers’ compensation coverage, along with other factors causing the filing of more workers’ compensation claims, are giving rise to increases in the cost of this coverage.
Historic Opioid Settlement Funds—How They Will Be Spent
As some $54 billion over the next 15 years in opioid settlement funds reaches states and local governments across the nation, it is important to understand the terms of these settlements as they pertain to how the funds may be distributed and used and to stay current as to how states and local governments have begun to develop allocation plans for and make expenditures of the money.
Title IX and Transgender Student Athlete Regulation
In the November 2022, issue of Trends, Topics, and Views, we included an article discussing the U.S. Department of Education’s (DOE) issuance of proposed new administrative rules pertaining to Title IX and grievance procedures for complaints alleging sexual harassment and assault in schools receiving federal funds. Those rules addressed transgender students by interpreting Title IX prohibitions against sex discrimination as covering discrimination based on gender identity.
“Forever Chemicals”: Government Regulation and Litigation
Earlier this year, the Biden Administration took initial steps to regulate 6 types of PFAS, a family of ubiquitous synthetic chemicals known as “forever chemicals” because they linger in the body and the environment and cause serious health problems.
AI in Insurance - Revolutionizing the Industry
In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, one term that has become ubiquitous is Artificial Intelligence, or AI. From science fiction dreams to real-world applications, AI has captured our imagination and transformed the way we interact with machines. But what exactly is AI, and why is it so revolutionary to the insurance world?